About About Me
Hello! Welcome to AboutMi - the place for anyone who is interested in makeup and cosmetics and wants to discover new and interesting products!
And why Korean cosmetics? As you may have noticed, Korean products are interesting, with unique packaging and look. In addition, Korean cosmetics are of high quality, so when you buy a product, you know that you have something that is really worth it.
This won't be that lipstick that gets forgotten at the bottom of your makeup bag and you discover 5 years later while cleaning out your old makeup.
But why AboutMi ?
미 [MI] = beauty = me
You might be wondering - what does AboutMi actually mean? The name is a combination of meanings and symbols that perfectly describe what we created the AboutMi platform for: BEAUTY + ME
미 [mi] - In Hanja, 미 means beauty, which, of course, fits perfectly with the theme of our store - Korean cosmetics. (short Korean lesson)
Me [mi] - We are a platform created especially for you! All products are carefully selected and are of proven quality, popular both in Korea and around the world.